Sunday, August 12, 2012

Not-so-Olympic Spirit

I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this, but I don't really like the olympics.
"She hates America!" "She's a communist!" "She's a spy for China!"  cries the crowd.
I know, its the *Spirit* of the games, the ~~American Spirit, that is, that makes the games great. And I think it's great that all the countries in the world can come together to play sports, but I also think that's exactly the issue- Sports.
I personally am as sporty as a rock, and while I can appreciate that some people love sports, I think there's more important news in the world than who can run fast and who throws a ball. In my school, I'm really lucky that we have focus on arts and academics equally with sports, but I know some teachers who don't share this viewpoint. My class was once lectured on the importance of playing a sport for three repetitive classes, by a guidance counselor, who could have instead been lecturing us on learning, or the dangers of drinking, or drugs. What especially bugs me, though, is how much he put the accent on winning. "Try all the sports you can, because you might be a winner at one." Not even trying to encourage kids to try new things for experience, teamwork, or developing life skills, but winning. In most sports, winning awards or medals is more important than
Wow, this person can jump or Wow, we discovered the Higgs-Boson Particle and landed another rover on Mars? I personally would rather read a an article with the latter information. I understand that some people enjoy playing and watching sports, but I wish we could pay more attention to things that are shaping our world than the olympics.

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